Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Safety management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 7

Safety management - Assignment Example Different players have various responsibilities to act in the creation of awareness of radiation hazards, preparedness of response and prevention of occurrence of incidents from mishandling of radiation materials. The roles of various agencies should be set out clearly in terms of efforts, capacities and response if timely, coordinated and effective assistance will be given in case of a radiation crisis. Health and environmental risk assessment are crucial aspects of a strategic action plan. Risk assessment indicates an approximation of the impending impact of the incident to the general public so as to anticipate and prevent future occurrences. The preliminary estimate of doses of reaction exposed are used as a base for assessment. Radiation poses a great threat to the public health since the initial symptoms are hardly recognizable for immediate action to be taken. As such, the general public is highly vulnerable to radioactive injuries. Local Emergency Response Plan is vital in the strategic action plan as it crucial in the assessment of both regional and local response capabilities, resources, occupancies and conditions. This helps in preventing under resources areas from suffering adversely from radioactive materials as a result of incapacitation. Awareness in terms of causes, health and environmental effects and storage of radioactive materials is crucial in the strategic action plan as it boost the preparedness of the public and the health practitioners should there be a radioactive threat. This enables the general public to acquire the initial skills through training. Continued planning, exercise of the preventive and combative measures are effective in enhancing preparedness. Furthermore, during emergencies, the public can refer to a publication by IAEA and WHO â€Å"How to Recognize and Initially Respond to an Accidental Radiation

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Dry Docks Business Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Dry Docks Business - Article Example Amazingly, manual labor was very much involved during that time where able-bodied men helped in bringing in the ship. An engine known as organois was used in draining the water, allowing the vessel to be supported by cross-beams.(cite) Because of this, dry docks are considered part of inventions belonging to the classical period. Nevertheless, dry docks also were used in China during the Song Dynasty. Obviously, dragon ships during that time which carried imperial couches were made of solid wood. Because of this material, there was a need to repair the wooden hulls since it decayed quickly. It was only in a later period that some wise official suggested the concept of a dry dock. In another part of the world, Henry VIII commissioned the first dry dock was built in Portsmouth in 1495. In modern times, the drydock at Belfast , Ireland was once the biggest drydock in the world. While in the United States, Northrop Grumman Newport News Shipbuildings Dry Dock 12 is considered the largest, situated closely to the slipway where the unlucky Titanic was constructed. Due to the competitive maritime industry, more dry docks have been constructed on many parts of the world. According to the April issue of Maritime, the largest dry dock in the world is now located at Ulsan, South Korea. It was described by the article as : â€Å"†¦.490 meters (1,600 feet) long, 115 meters across and 13.5 meters deep, Hyundai has announced that it now has the world’s largest drydock. Imagine an area roughly the size of 7 soccer fields and that is what you would see at the new H-Dock in Ulsan, South Korea.   The dock is custom designed to build floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessels and includes two 1,600ton goliath cranes.   Traditionally FPSO’s hull sides and topside are built separately. The hull is built in a ship