Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Topic Of Body Weight - 1288 Words

The topic of body weight in America is a sociopolitical phenomena with multiple, often conflicting perspectives. Some refer to the issue of obesity as an epidemic, highlighting social and political solutions to redress the consequences of weight-gain amongst U.S. citizens. Others point to the socially constructed nature of bodies and the meanings surrounding them. These scholars argue that the idealized bodily form is projected to glorify hegemonic standards of health and beauty, which operate according to capitalist and gendered norms. As a consequence, those outside the glorified norm tend to experience shame, stigma, and discrimination. From media outlets to individuals, from researchers to government agents, the consistent communication about weight in America demonstrates the severity of the phenomenon. There are over 170 million Americans who are severely obese, obese, or overweight including women, men, and children (Ogden, Carroll, Kit, Flegal, 2012). Additionally, 22.9% of adult Americans suffer from metabolic syndrome, a medical condition in people who appear to be of a healthy weight but have dangerously high levels of fat inside their body (Beltrà ¡n-Sà ¡nchez, Harhay, Harhay, McElligott, 2013). The causes behind the epidemic are complex but are often examined as an excess of caloric intake and a lack of sufficient activity (Tukuitonga Keller, 2005). As mentioned previously, the obesity epidemic is a complex phenomenon with socio-economical, geographical, andShow MoreRelatedThe Black Beauty Myth By Sirena Riley1251 Words   |  6 Pageshas encountered multiple experiences concerning body image through out her life. At a young age, she started to feel the pressure to have a perfect body. The struggle of making herself perfect ultimately lead to eating disorders for instance, bulimia and compulsive exercising. 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